In 2008, Don & Seanita Armstrong, husband and wife, started a tax marketing business that was instrumental in introducing Mobile and Popup Tax offices to cities nationwide starting in Atlanta and Detroit. They were processing tax returns in grocery chain stores, salons, convenient stores and dealerships. “We started with $100 and 500 business cards going door-to-door in Pontiac, MI”. In 2011, Don & Seanita helped shape the income tax industry into a mobile tax industry giving opportunities for hourly wage tax preparers to earn the majority percentage of their tax preparation fees that would change how tax preparers who were only preparing taxes as a side job or seasonal to now becoming better educated and creating a career in the income tax business. In 2012, Mr. & Mrs. Armstrong opened a chain of Tax Offices nationwide giving their preparers ownership in each office while providing them software, training, marketing, equipment, and funding. In 2014, they were one of the biggest independent Tax Service Bureaus providers of Income Tax Software in the United States in which they provided over thousands of tax preparers and tax offices the tools they needed to succeed in the industry. Don and Seanita are true innovators in the income tax industry.


We use professional tax software to process tax returns.

  • Unlimited E-Filing
  • All State Forms
  • Secure Cloud Storage
  • Backup Data
  • Fast and Efficient
  • Use Nationwide
  • Unlimited Users

Our Philosophy

We have over 20 years of experience. We provide expert marketing advice to businesses and individuals in the income tax industry. We made this belief a reality by making our clients our priority, leading with exceptional ideas, integrity, and giving back. Our growth is driven by the experience and expertise we continue to bring to the income tax industry. We are best in class with the knowledge we have gained, continuing education and today’s technology.